
TxT 資格試験総取り作戦!

資格試験を別個に勉強するのは、表面的な点取り勉強に過ぎないと考え、TOEIC TOEFL IELTS 英検、受験どれにでも通じる英語力を養成するとともに、各自が受験する試験の実践力をつけていき、資格試験の勉強効果倍増を目指すプログラムです。

プログラムは、AndBeyond!の母体であり、ハーバードやスタンフォードはじめ世界のトップMBAの多くの合格を勝ち取っている青山TGセミナーが開発したLeveraged Learningを軸とします。Leveraged Learningとは、必要なところにピンポイントで集中学習するシステム。効率よく勉強することができます。

Leveraged Learningの観点から、TOEIC TOEFL 英検など英語の資格試験は、共通する「英語素養」部分が極めて大きく、各試験独特の言わば「癖」は微々たるものなので、各試験別の勉強に多くの時間を割くことなど愚の骨頂、むしろ共通部分こそ最大限に取り組むべきなのです。ところが、ほとんどの受験生は、各試験に特化した勉強に終始しているのではないでしょうか?もしそれが小手先の勉強であって、英語の素養を本当に身につけるものでないとすると、かりにその試験でのスコアは出たとしても、非常に虚しい時間の使い方になるでしょう。

逆に、まず「英語素養」を高めていく勉強法は、一見遠回りに見えるかもしれませんが、本当に使える英語力を育成し、そうすることで、言わばおまけに!TOEIC TOEFL 英検と言った資格試験のスコアとしても表れていきます。これは、「試験はよかったが、英語はしゃべれない。。。」といった事態よりもはるかに良い成果ではないでしょうか。TxTは、そのような成果を効率的に目指していくプログラムです。





206(sat)17:00- TxT
Speed Reading/Speaking to Listening/ Voca Strategy

211(thu holiday)18:30- TxT
Grammar Strategy/Speaking to Listening/ English Logic

13(sat)17:00- TxT
Speed Reading/Speaking to Listening/ Voca Strategy




The transfer of heat and water vapor from the ocean
to the air above it depends on a disequilibrium at the
interface of the water and the air. Within about a millimeter
of the water, air temperature is close to that of
5 the surface water, and the air is nearly saturated with
water vapor. But the differences, however small, are
crucial, and the disequilibrium is maintained by air near
the surface mixing with air higher up, which is
typically appreciably cooler and lower in water-vapor
10 content. The air is mixed by means of turbulence that
depends on the wind for its energy. As wind speed
increases, so does turbulence, and thus the rate of heat
and moisture transfer. Detailed understanding of this
phenomenon awaits further study. An interacting--and
15 complicating--phenomenon is wind-to-water transfer of
momentum that occurs when waves are formed. When
the wind makes waves, it transfers important amounts
of energy--energy that is therefore not available to
provide turbulence.

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) resolve a controversy
(B) describe a phenomenon
(C) outline a theory
(D) confirm research findings
(E) classify various observations

2. According to the passage, wind over the ocean generally
does which of the following?
I. Causes relatively cool, dry air to come into
proximity with the ocean surface.
II. Maintains a steady rate of heat and moisture
transfer between the ocean and the air.
III. Causes frequent changes in the temperature of
the water at the ocean's surface.
(A) I only
(B)II only
(C)I and lI only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

3 It can be inferred from the passage that the author
regards current knowledge about heat and .moisture
transfer from the ocean to air as
(A) revolutionary
(B) inconsequential
(C) outdated
(D) derivative
(E) incomplete

4 The passage suggests that if on a certain day the
wind were to decrease until there was no wind at
all, which of the following would occur?
(A) The air closest to the ocean surface would
become saturated with water vapor.
(B) The air closest to the ocean surface would be
warmer than the water.
(C) The amount of moisture in the air closest to
the ocean surface would decrease.
(D) The rate of heat and moisture transfer would
(E) The air closest to the ocean would be at the
same temperature as air higher up.



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